Colorado, Springs - The Cave Dwellings

The Cave Dwellings was located close to the Garden of the Gods so we were able to add this to our adventure the same day we visited Pikes Peak. Yep, three places in one day! It was the only day we had no rain so we took advantage. All three locations were very beautiful. The cave dwellings included a small, but informative museum. I am sharing the link and a paragraphs of information below. The most interesting part of this visit was seeing how people lived in homes located in the side of caves. The manitou tribe cooked, slept, stored food, and kept themselves protected from the elements with the use of a natural shelter made from the earth. 

The Manitou Cliff Dwellings is a rare historical treasure. Preserved under a protective red sandstone overhang, cliff dwellings over 800 years old await you here. You are encouraged to explore the dwellings room by room using a self-guided tour. These fascinating architectural remnants are from an American Indian culture that roamed the Four Corners area of the Southwest from 1200 B.C. to 1300 A.D.



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